Buyers Guide
Pre and Post Policy Protections The Homeowner ’s Pol icy coverage protects homeowners against claims ar i s ing both before and af ter the pol icy date. The homeowner i s covered i f someone el se has an interest in or claims to have r ights af fect ing t i t le, or the t i t le i s defect ive. Post- pol icy protect ion al so includes coverage for forgery, impersonat ion, easements , use l imi tat ions and structural encroachments bui l t by neighbors (except for boundary wal l s or fences) af ter the pol icy date. Expanded Access Coverage The Homeowner ’s Pol icy provides homeowners wi th expanded access protect ion for r ight of access to and f rom the proper ty. Tradi t ional t i t le pol icies do not def ine the type of access a homeowner has to the proper ty, but the Homeowner ’s Pol icy speci f ical ly insures both actual pedest r ian and vehicular access , based on a legal r ight . Restrictive Covenant Violations The Homeowner ’s Pol icy protects homeowners against the loss of t i t le to property because of a violat ion of a restr ict ive covenant that occur red before the insured acqui red t i t le. Building Permit Violations The Homeowner ’s Pol icy covers homeowners i f they must remove or remedy an exi st ing st ructure (except for boundary wal l s and fences) because i t was bui l t wi thout a bui lding permi t f rom the proper government of f ice. Thi s coverage i s subject to deduct ible amounts and maximum l imi ts of l iabi l i ty. Subdivision Law Violations The Homeowner ’s Pol icy protects homeowners i f they can’ t sel l the property or get a bui lding permi t because of a violat ion of an exi st ing subdivi s ion law. Homeowners are al so protected i f they are forced to cor rect or remove the violat ion. Thi s coverage i s subject to deduct ible amounts and maximum l imi ts of l iabi l i ty. Zoning Law Violations The Homeowner ’s Pol icy protects homeowners i f they must remove or remedy exi st ing st ructures because they violate exi st ing zoning laws or regulat ions (subject to the deduct ible amounts and maximum l imi t of l iabi l i ty) . Homeowners are al so protected i f they can’ t use the land for a s ingle- fami ly res idence due to the way the land i s zoned. Encroachment Protection The Homeowner ’s Pol icy covers homeowners i f forced to remove an exi st ing structure because i t encroaches on a neighbor ’s land (coverage for encroachments of boundary wal l s or fences i s subject to deduct ible amounts and maximum l imi t of l iabi l i ty) . I t al so covers homeowners when someone el se has a legal r ight to, and does , refuse to per form a cont ract to purchase the homeowner ’s land, lease i t or make a mor tgage loan on i t because a neighbor ’s exi st ing structures encroach onto the land. Water and Mineral Rights Damage The Homeowner ’s Pol icy provides coverage i f a homeowner ’s exi st ing improvements , including lawns , shrubbery and t rees , are damaged because someone exerci sed a r ight to use the sur face of the land for extract ion of mineral s or water. Supplemental Tax Lien The Homeowner ’s Pol icy protects homeowners i f a supplemental tax l ien i s f i led and assessed against the proper ty because of new construct ion or a change of ownership pr ior to the pol icy date.
Co p y r i g h t 2 0 1 7 S e c u r i t y T i t l e : Co n t e n t c a n n o t b e e d i t e d o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t w r i tt e n p e r m i s s i o n f r om S e c u r i t y T i t l e . A l l c o n t e n t h e r e i n i s i n f o r ma ti o n a l o n l y a n d n o t i n t e n d e d t o offe r l e g a l o r fi n a n c i a l a d v i c e .
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