Phoenix Relocation Guide
“ An average of more than 300
subdivisions of Superstition Mountain, Mountain Brook Village, Gold Canyon, Peralta Road, and Queen Valley. The attrac- tion of new housing developments, golf courses, outdoor recreation and rural life- style will make this city a major growth area. An average of more than 300 sunny days per year, and moderate temperatures of 93 degrees in mid-summer and 53 degrees in January allow for many hours of hiking and horseback riding the trails in and around Superstition Mountain. These historic and beautiful mountains offer a chance to step back in history, with trails that start at the Lost Dutchman State Park and takes hikers to historic trails through elevations of 5,000 feet up the mountain.
sunny days per year, and moderate temperatures of 93 degrees in mid-summer and 53 degrees in January allow for many hours of hiking and horseback riding the trails in and around Superstition Mountain. ”
132 years helps people relocating to Casa Grande immediately feel that this is the hometown they have been looking for. “An average of more than 300 sunny days per year, and moderate temperatures of 93 degrees in mid-summer and 53 degrees in January allow for many hours of hiking and horseback riding the trails in and around Superstition Mountain.” The story of Casa Grande begins in the dust of the vast low desert from which the community first took root in 1879. Crews working on the Southern Pacific railroad couldn’t take the heat and stopped working. Supplies stacked up and when the work on the railroad moved on, the new settle- ment stayed. After moving the post office that Southern Pacific had been carting around, this end-of-the-line spot in the middle of Arizona was appropriately named “Terminus.” It was later renamed Casa Grande for its location to the Casa Grande Ruins, 20 miles to the east. The same hardy community spirit that binds Casa Grande, was first evident when the downtown business district burned three times in the late 1880s, and was rebuilt each time by merchants and townspeople who rallied together to save the town. A mining slump in the early 1900s again nearly destroyed Casa Grande. The busi- ness district dwindled to only a mercantile, a saloon and two smaller stores. The agri- cultural industry rescued the town and it has continued to develop and thrive.
Today, there are hundreds of businesses and industries in Casa Grande and more are relocating or opening their doors in the city every day. The city government’s excellent plan for long-range growth is very effective. The area offers many fine schools, houses of worship, medical facilities, and every amenity a citizen or visitor might want. Casa Grande sponsors a variety of lush area golf courses, parks, restaurants, and shopping. From the small specialty shops of the beautifully restored historic down- town district to the Outlets at Casa Grande, this city has everything for both its residents and visitors. The gorgeous fall, winter and spring weather is the perfect backdrop for jam-packed schedule of festivals, celebrations and events to area residents and visitors. Florence Town of Florence: 520-868-7500 Greater Florence Chamber of Commerice: 520-868-9433
Casa Grande City of Casa Grande: 520-421-8600
Greater Casa Grande Chamber of Commerice: 520-836-2125
Casa Grande is a modern city, strategi- cally located halfway between Tucson and Phoenix and at the Interstate hub of I-10 and I-8. It offers all of the amenities of a larger city; yet it still has the feel of a small town, with friendly residents, accommo- dating business professionals, low-volume traffic and laid-back lifestyle. Newcomers considering making Casa Grande their new home are discovering the superb local economy, the wide range of services, fantastic location and proximity to metropolitan areas, relaxed way of life, and seven months of incredible weather. Most importantly, the progressive, posi- tive community spirit and friendly, relaxed lifestyle that have brought Casa Grande through hardship and prosperity for the past
Florence is often referred to as the best little western town in the state. The fifth oldest
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