Phoenix Relocation Guide
ACTIVE ADULTS +senior living
The times of aging in America, they are a-changing – and many senior Arizona residents couldn’t be happier about it. Long gone are the days of mandatory retirement at age 65. And with it, the idea that senior citizens’ golden years are best spent sitting quietly on the front porch in a rocking chair as they watch life go by. These retirement communities offer seniors dynamic housing options where they can live out their best years.
TAKING STOCK OF YOURSELF When making retirement housing plans, there’s no denying that the number and diversity of choices available might make the process feel overwhelming. Begin by taking a personal inventory that takes into account personal living expenses, health, interests and expectations. Budget Inventory: Make a list of monthly expenses to help yourself budget accurately. From rental or housing fees to day-to-day living expenses such as dry cleaning and energy bills to current or anticipated medical expenses. The point is to be realistic about everyday expenses now, so there are no rude surprises later.
someone in her early 80s. Baby Boomers now entering the senior arena are faced with the responsibility of preparing not only for their own retirement, but with making retire- ment and housing plans for their elderly parents as well. Fortunately, both Phoenix and Tucson offer a wide array of options to accommo- date seniors’ different requirements and lifestyles. From upscale retirement commu- nities offering residents a choice of social, cultural, travel and sporting opportunities to active seniors and full-care facilities special- izing in caring for the elderly with mental and physical disabilities, there is a senior citizen living solution to fit every need.
Forget about that rocking chair. How does a morning working out in the gym or pedaling along a trail sound? As for the front porch, seniors in Arizona will find that they have a wide variety of housing options that can accommodate their budget, while enjoying their lifestyle in a community that encourages the develop- ment and pursuit of their personal interests, goals and activities. While aging is inevitable, medical advances and healthy lifestyle choices can increase a person’s longevity and improve their life- style. Arizona seniors have undergone some significant changes: the term “senior” may describe an active person in her late 50s or
P H O E N I X R E L O C A T I O N G U I D E . C O M | T U C S O N R E L O C A T I O N G U I D E . C O M
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