Phoenix Relocation Guide
SENIOR RESOURCES Area Agency on Aging 888-783-7500; health nursing, hospitalization, and if necessary, nursing home services.
Maricopa County Department of Human Services 602-506-3011;
This foundation provides senior support groups in addition to other services. To register for these support groups, see the website above. A few of these groups are Chronic Disease Self-Management, Depression, Caregivers Networking, Adult Protective Services and Medicare information. The Arizona Care Planning Council is a free resource that lists companies and individuals that provide services to help seniors and their caregivers find eldercare providers throughout the state. Some listed services include long term care facilities, senior daycare facilities, hospice care, retirement communities, transportation services, elder law and Medicaid consultants and financial and estate planning. Catholic Charities Community Service 602-285-1999 Phoenix; 520-623-0344 Tucson Catholic charities offer support for people of all ages, including the elderly. Their goal is to provide assistance regardless of income level, race, ethnicity, economic status or religious affiliation in an effort to build caring families, reduce poverty, enhance fairness and alleviate suffering. These programs are funded by both public and private donations. Foundation for Senior Living 602-285-1800; The Foundation for Senior Living is a faith-based charity that provides a number of services for seniors and those with disabilities including affordable housing, senior centers, community action programs and assisted group living. Governors Advisory Council on Aging 602-542-4710; The council is a statewide body of 15 governor-appointed members who are dedicated to advising the governor, legislature and all state departments in an effort to enhance the quality of life for older Arizonans. Arizona Care Planning Council 800-989-8137;
Senior Adult Independent Living (SAIL) is a program through which the Area Agency on Aging provides case management and in-home services to older and disabled adults. The program’s goal is to help seniors live independently in their homes in a safe and healthy environment. The Pima Council on Aging (PCOA) is a nonprofit that seeks to promote dignity and respect for and to advocate for the independence of senior citizens of Pima County. PCOA supplies home and community-based services for older individuals and provides caregivers with information, resources and assistance. Pima Council on Aging 520-790-7262; Arizona Department of Economic Security 480-491-2666; Offers numerous Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) including assisted living, attendant and personal care and other home-based services. Some of the other available services include home delivered meals, behavioral health, home
Sun Tran – Public Transportation
520-792-9222; Sun Tran is committed to providing transportation for the general public and also caters to seniors and persons with disabilities. For information on routes, schedules and trip planning assistance, call the number above or visit the website. United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona 520-903-9000; Through strong partnerships with volunteers, local business, government and nonprofit organizations, United Way manages programs for community programs including those to help seniors live actively with independent life choices. Valley Metro is committed to providing transportation for the general public and provides Dial-a-Ride service for seniors aged 65 or older and persons with disabilities. Seniors must apply for this service. Only certain cities in Maricopa Country offer Dial-a-Ride services. Valley Metro-Dial-a-Ride 602-253-4000;
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