Purchase Contract-2023-Counter-HOA-BINSR



LINES 1-2 Buyer's and Seller's names are at the beginning of the Contract. In case the Seller’s name is not known at the time the Contract is written, the agent needs to mark the box "as identified in Section 9c."

The Seller's name is very important to escrow because if it is not filled in they will have to rely on the Seller's signature on the Contract or the last deed of record to determine the identity of the Seller. Neither may be 100% reliable.


LINES 5-9 Description of the subject property - Be specific


LINES 10-20 Is defined as Recordation of the Deed. If Escrow Company or Recorder's Close of Escrow® date; COE shall occure on the next day that both are open for business. Transaction outline indicating the form of the earnest money. A financial institution labels indicating source of funds if the transaction is a cash deal. LINES 21-31 Terms of sale. No Contract extension is required if COE falls on a date escrow or recorder is closed. COE is automatically extended to the next business day both are open for business. Buyer acknowledges that failure to pay the required closing fund in U.S. currency by the scheduled COE could be a breach.



LINES 32-35 Possession - Delivery of existing keys


LINES 36-38 Expands the list of Addenda.


LINES 39-68 Fixtures and Personal Property List. Seller lists all items that are included or excluded in the purchase of the property. Fixtures shall mean property attached/offered to the Premises. List other items here

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