Sellers Guide - Deborah Young


First impressions are the most important sales tool. Emotion plays a tremendous part in creating an interest in your home from a potential buyer. Make certain your home puts its “best foot forward” and that you follow the time-tested rules and behavior that will enhance the likelihood of a sale.

OUTSIDE ENTRY The f ront door should be clean, f resh and invi t ing. Make sure the landscaping i s maintained.

WINDOWS Clean windows make a home seem bigger and br ighter and add tremendous ly to a home’s “show-abi l i ty” .

LIGHTS Make cer tain al l your l ight f ixtures are working and turn on al l the l ights when showing the home (night or day) . I t makes the home much more welcoming.

CLOSETS Neat closets appear larger and keep buyers f rom wonder ing i f they might be too smal l .

BATHROOMS SELL HOMES! ! ! Each one wi l l be closely inspected. Repai r caulking, f ix leaks and make sure everything sparkles and smel l s clean.

BEDROOMS Remove excess furni ture and decorat ions and use attract ive, f reshly laundered bedspreads and window cover ings to make these rooms more invi t ing.

MINOR REPAIRS Creaking doors , loose handles , st icking windows , di rty wal lpaper, worn woodwork , and faded wal l s al l reduce buyer appeal . A l i t t le money spent in f ixing these things wi l l keep you f rom trying to convince the buyer how i t could actual ly look , and resul t in a quicker sale at a higher pr ice. FLOORS Keep the carpet vacuumed, the f loors washed and remove any clutter f rom the f loors and stai rways . Your home wi l l show better and there wi l l be no unfor tunate accidents .

PETS Keep them out of the way-outs ide i s best .

BACKGROUND Loud mus ic or blar ing televi s ions det ract f rom everything you have done to make your home invi t ing. Al low the agent and buyer to talk wi thout compet i t ion. ASSISTING THE POTENTIAL BUYER Don’ t have too many people present dur ing a showing. A potent ial buyer may feel l ike an intruder and hurry though the house. Be cour teous , but don’ t force conversat ion wi th the potent ial buyer. They want to inspect your home, not make f r iends . I f they have quest ions they wi l l ask . ASSISTING YOUR REALTOR ® Show your home to prospect ive buyers by appointment through your agent . Let your REALTOR ® di scuss pr ice, terms , possess ion and the other detai l s wi th the buyer. Your REALTOR ® has negot iated many cont racts . Al low them to use thei r exper t i se to get the most favorable conclus ion on your behal f. I f you are needed, your REALTOR ® wi l l include you.


Co p y r i g h t 2 0 1 7 S e c u r i t y T i t l e : Co n t e n t c a n n o t b e e d i t e d o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t w r i tt e n p e r m i s s i o n f r om S e c u r i t y T i t l e . A l l c o n t e n t h e r e i n i s i n f o r ma ti o n a l o n l y a n d n o t i n t e n d e d t o offe r l e g a l o r fi n a n c i a l a d v i c e .

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