Successful Real Estate AD Writing - Security Title Agency

Real Estate Word Selector

ACCESSIBLE — handy to; easy to reach, accessible to schools, churches and shopping... ACCLAIMED — praised by all who inspect. Acclaimed by all to be the best home in the area... ADVANCED — better than ordinary construction. Advanced design puts you years ahead... APPEALING — becoming; good to look at. Appealing to the pocketbook as well as the eye... ARISTOCRATIC — distinguished. Aristocratic looking from any angle... ARTISTRY — exacting workmanship and design. The artistry in this home is quickly recognized... AUTHENTIC — genuine; not patterned after another. An authentic Frank Lloyd Wright design... BRILLIANT — outshining all others. The brillian t flowers and shrubs set this home apart... BEWITCHING — tempting; inviting. This cozy home is bewitching to all who see it... CAPTIVATING — desirable; wanted. With a captivatin g, enclosed front porch... CHIC — stylish and smart. The chic design will meet with your approval... CHERISHED — loved; desired. A fireplace that is cherished by every

member of the family... COMMENDABLE — highly approved. A commendable brick home... CONTRASTING — to show differences by comparison. You will applaud the rock garden with its contrasting colors... CONVINCING — proven; beyond doubt. A value so convincing you will fight for the chance to buy... CULMINATION — complete development. The culmination of a year’s planning... DELICATE — fragile; frail. The delicate shade of painted walls will please you... DIGNIFIED — reserved; tasteful. The dignified furnishings go with the home... DISCRIMINATING — exacting; particular. Discriminating buyers will stop looking after seeing this... DISTINCTIVE — strong; outstanding. A home distinctively styled in every way... DOMINATING — head and shoulders above competition. A home that dominates its neighbors... DRAMATIC — awesome. With a dramatic setting that is spellbinding... ELITE — choice; best. An elite DELIGHTFUL — extremely pleasing; happy. A delightful neighborhood for children...

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