Sellers Guide

Box up and store or dispose of any unnecessary items

Remove piles of papers and magazines from tables Tidy Up!

Straighten children’s play area and store extra toys Tidy Up!

Clean Up!

Sweep and clean floors

Remove cobwebs from walls, window sills and ceilings





Rearrange furniture; discard worn furniture and store “extra” pieces

rearrange to define areas

Make closets more appealing by storing seasonal clothes elsewhere Be sure all clothes are hanging up and not lying around the room

Wash windows, inside and out

Straighten bookshelves

Patch Up!

Make sure furnace, A/C and hot water heater are in working order

Clean Up!

Clean and deodorize all carpet, spot cleaning where necessary; wash all floors

Clean Up!

Clean and deodorize all carpets, spot clean where necessary

Polish all furniture

Before each showing, be sure to complete these last minute touches to make your home stand out and look great! Exterior

Wipe down lighting fixtures, make sure all light bulbs are working

Wash window treatments

Wipe down lighting fixtures, make sure all light bulbs are working

Wash window treatments

Clean fireplace, if applicable

Pick up after pets

Patch Up!

Patch Up!

Pick up lawn tools, toys, etc. lying around the yard

Patch and paint walls and ceilings, if necessary Add decorative pillows to beds The Finishing Touch! Add a plant

Patch and paint walls and ceilings, if necessary

Clear driveways and walk areas

Display linens on table The Finishing Touch! Add fresh flowers, potpourri or a scented candle Rearrange pictures to highlight specific areas

Open daytime showings and close curtains for nighttime showings Interior Open windows to “freshen up” your home Do a quick tidy up curtains for

Tidy Up!

Add lamps if room is dark

Organize all areas: laundRy area, family area, workshop, garden equipment, etc.

Play instrumental music

Burn a candle in the kitchen and in the living room and mulch if needed

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